Thursday, 7 November 2013

Fabulous Lolita Themes Thursday: Pokémon

Posted by Unknown at 14:53
Well I'm going to try this thing...

Every Thursday (well hopefully every Thursday ^^') I shall have a theme post. In this theme post I will post pictures of what I believe to be interesting Lolita Coordinations, based on a common theme. Some of these posts may feature some rather 'experimental' stuff, and some outfits that may not be quite to everyone's taste, and may even veer off some of the standard Lolita 'rules'. This is more for a little fun, not to be taken too seriously, and to show how some people can get creative with their much loved Lolita fashion. So if you don't agree that something I post is considered 'true' Lolita, well chillax and take a step back, this is just a little bit of fun. After all this did originally start out as an experimental street fashion. We should all experiment with fashion and have fun with it, Lolita is no exception.

The first theme for today is Pokémon. I am not really a fan of Pokémon myself, but I did watch it as a kid and I have a great respect for its fandom (plus Pikachu is super adorable).

Miss Lillith

Pokémon Waist Cincher
This would look great with a
black Lolita dress don't you think?

Bulbasaur Lolita Coord
How cute is this?


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